Saturday, March 15, 2008

Memory usage on Ubuntu, Install nmon on ubuntu.

nmon on ubuntu screenshot:

After writing previous post, when eclipse crashed several times with error of no enough memory, I have tried to find nmon, that I used for AIX.

It was no such tool in repositories.

Seems that top can be used, It can sort by different colmns (Fn) - sorts by memory usage column.
It seems that it can be temporary solution.

It appears that it KDE+Kopete+Firefox+Eclipse eat all 1 gb memory on laptop.

Seems, I have to install additional memory (2gb may be will be enough?).

As to nmon,it is some version for Knoppix packaged on IBM web page.
Knoppix is based on debian too, so I have tried to compile it on my Ubuntu Gutsy and succeeded.

To install, follow nmon page on IBM, download x86 linux version; unpack by arc in some temp dir;

From shell in this dir:

$ sudo mkdir /opt/nmon
$ sudo cp nmon_x86_knoppix5 /opt/nmon/nmon
$ sudo chmod a+x /opt/nmon/nmon
$ nano ~/.bashrc

add following line at end;
 export PATH=$PATH:/opt/nmon/

Ctrl-o; Ctrl-x; to save and exit then.

In new shell (konsole) type

and you will get it.

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