Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Appeared, that I have no suitable refactoring tool.

Started refactoring utility.
Platform is C, prototype in perl + postgres.

Perl appears great tool for prototyping of such tool(actually specific processor of set of files).
It provides you working prototype in times faster that it can be done in C.

First problems:

- Lack of time. I have only time when travelling between home and job, It takes about 1.5 hours, but not all time can be used for code input. That way version 1.0 only for Linux can take up to next new year. Actually it is possible that it would be never fixed because of changes in schedules, regime and load on paid job.

- Problem of platform choice. It have to be C because it is probably would be utility for GNU/Linux. Checked standards and appeared that C standard changed from last time I used pure C, but not C++. There is now C99 standard, and there is also draft standard with changes dated by this year.Also in GNU/Linux appeared used non standard GNU extensions of C. Decided to use C90, that way, because it is most commonly supported.

- Data structures. It is a lot of choices with pro's and con's. Decided to play with Perl prototype first. Using DS simple in implementation, with ability to change this to more fast but complex.

- Design questions. (sizes of structures, level of decomposition, libraries to use)

- License: GPL 2 (or 3?).

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