Sunday, March 23, 2008

How to write unmaintainable code

- Always use copy/paste when you need something that another part of your code does.
It will be than very funny, to fix bug in this piece of code.

- Always put functions and classes in templates. It will prevent functions from being debugged.especially funny look tons of copied and pasted staff, and than parametrized.

- Use hierarchy of inheritance everywhere. It will be very funny than, to fix the behaviour of successor, one of his grandfathers had to do the actions, and had to had properties, that grandchildren shouldn't. And yes, this behaviour is in constructor of grandfather, nested by children.

- Mix as much technologies and programming languages as you can.

- Use closed-source libraries instead of system calls. It will hide reasons of fail.

- Use systems, that provide highly isolated (protected) code sections with closed source libraries. It'll help to make impossible tracing systems state.

- Use outdated systems with no debugging and development tools (proprietary, 1000 pounds for each tip for support.)

- Place a lot of code that will never execute, Use same names for functions, similar for classes, and parametrization of cause.

- Remove any comments from code, and any docs, that were written during development.

- Remove documents, that describe goals and purpose of software at all, before placement in production. Hide any prototypes and predecessors.

- one of the best: don't allow any "decompilation".

- Prohibit fixing any of listened problems.

If you follow this guide - you will be on the ball. Nobody could fix than code, even you after a little time.

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